Product Design

Product design is the process of designing and creating a new product to be sold to consumers. It covers everything from the initial Ideation of the product to its CAD Design and Prototype, before ultimate production. Good product design will also be innovative and set your product apart from the rest. It will result in a product that functions as expected, is easy to use, and fulfills the aesthetic goals for the product.




Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating ideas and concepts from a process of refinement or inspiration. Often times from innovation, to development, to actualization. As an essential beginning part of the design process, the most simple method of progress is the identification of a problem and as a result, beginning an exploration process that solves it. As well, there are a multitude of other methods of ideation available to be deployed.


CAD Design

A Computer Aided Design drawing. It is a very accurate digital drawing of a product or anything that has form and can physically be made. Manufacturing uses CAD drawings in various ways to produce products. CAD Design has become an especially important technology within the scope of product development. CAD Design enables work to be done on screen, in lieu of work done in the real world, the work can be easily edited and the digital out put used for rapid prototypes, manufacturing and marketing purposes.



A prototype is a fully functional 3D print or working model of a final product. The prototype is used for testing proof of concept, before a company manufacturers the actual product. Several prototypes can be produced before the product is made ready for manufacturing and distribution. Protos is Greek for first and typos is Greek for impression, thus the invention of the word prototype is quite fitting and should be taken to heart. It is always quite necessary to make a great first impression with your prototype.